Friday, January 11, 2013

Bad Advice

Here is some advice that was given to us by friends, family, neighbors, strangers, etc.  I wrote this section to get some laughs, not to offend anyone who has given this advice, which is a lot of you! :)  However, it is also to point out that giving advice can be kind of a tricky thing.  After six years of trying to get pregnant, I wasn’t really looking for advice.  Clearly, there was something majorly wrong that didn’t have a “quick fix” solution.  I do appreciate the concern that people who did give this advice were showing me...I truly do have incredible people in my life.  Also, because I have an audience ranging from family to friends to coworkers to former students to strangers, I have had to keep these PG, which means leaving some pretty entertaining ones off the list!

"Buy a dog"-Ummm...who’s met Marty?  Not good advice... 

"Did you try relaxing?  Just don’t think about it!"-I hate this you really think that in 6 years I wasn’t relaxed one time???  There were PLENTY of times that I wasn’t thinking about it!

"Eat more peanuts"-ironic...I have a kid with a peanut allergy

"Stand on your head"-mood killer

"Do bicycles"-also a mood killer

"Did you know that there are certain times of your cycle that you are more fertile?"-Oh yes, I actually learned that in the video I watched in 5th grade with little orphan Annie!  Good grief, how did you not know that???

"Go on an airplane" (no, not the “mile high” club, just something with ovulation?  I don’t didn’t work).

"No hot tubs or hot showers"-I really missed those

"No lap tops"-very sad for my husband

"No alcohol"-ugh... 

"Lots of alcohol"-not a bad suggestion!  

"Go on vacation"-my favorite advice coupled with the one above

"No tighty whities"-husband, not me 

"Hang out with pregnant people"-easy...EVERYONE I knew was pregnant!

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