Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Best Friend/Psychic

Once we decided on adopting, I really didn’t want to talk much about it.  I had gone through so much heartbreak trying to get pregnant, that I thought adopting would lead to more heartbreak.  We told a few people that we were considering it, but asked them to not constantly ask us about it.  We would let them know when there was any updates or news.  My best friend, however, always talked about it.  She took me on a surprise trip to Babies R Us to have me pick out an early shower gift.  She bought me our baby carrier/carseat/stroller.  She kept telling me, “You never know.  You may just get that phone call and have to jump on a plane right away.  You’re going to need this!”  I told her that those types of things happen in the movies, not in real adoptions.  Little did I know...

I also was talking to her about how I hadn’t been able to sleep.  She told me that it was my body telling me that I needed to prepare for a baby soon, just like in pregnancies.  I told her she was crazy and that she needed to stop talking about the adoption.  She was starting to get me believing that this might actually happen.  But again, I had so many heartbreaks, that I couldn’t get myself to actually believe I would be a mom. 

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